INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 7 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 615 Today's Topics: >RE> Atrocious Atari Dealer (Zephyr Atari Benchmarks Concatenation of multiple TSRs Degas ==> Typesetter Elite? Fractal Magic explained GIF ===> Degas? MODULA 2 DOCS... Prolog 10, Common LISP source of diskhandler wanted (e.g. ramdisk) SURVEY!!! Europe/UK Replies !!! TT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 6 Nov 89 13:57:00 GMT From: inmet! Subject: >RE> Atrocious Atari Dealer (Zephyr I also would not have paid the guy the 'consultant' fee. Fuck him! You never agreed to pay for consultant services and you never received consultant received a demonstration of products by a salesman. Period. As the previous responder suggested, I would have my credit card company refuse to honor any charges but the ones for software and hardware. You're not obligated to pay for services that were never asked for or rendered. Make it his problem, not yours. ===================================================================== | | | Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger | | 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' | ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 6 Nov 89 15:35:06 GMT From: attcan!utgpu!watmath!watcgl!electro! (Ignac Kolenko) Subject: Atari Benchmarks In article <891102220825.414779@DMZRZU71-UNI-MAINZ--GERMANY> Ritzert@DMZRZU71.BITNET writes: > >BTW: In my opinion, 30$ shareware fee for a simple benchmark program >like quikdex is quite expensive. The authors should think of putting >this program into the PD as ICD did with ratehd. (Only for comparison >--- in Germany you have to pay the equivalent to 30$ for the ultra fast >shareware TeX! The Author translated this TeX manually from Pascal to >Turbo C.) if people would read the accompanying docs carefully (not just looking at the price) you would see that the $30 shareware fee is for ALL seven quick utilities, including Quick ST. compare that with the approximately $50 for that other gem accelerator T---- ST. it's up to you folks. you make the decision. but please, look and READ the docs before you make a statement like the above on a public network. -- =====Ignac A. Kolenko (The Ig) watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac===== co-author of QuickST, and the entire line of Quick Shareware!!!! "I don't care if I don't win, 'cause I don't care if I fail" from 'Youth Of Today' by SUBURBAN DISTORTION ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 10:41:34 GMT From:!wuarchive!!!!uxa.cso.uiuc. edu! Subject: Concatenation of multiple TSRs Does anyone see a problem with the following program concept: Take a list of .TOS files (.PRG in auto\)... Create one file with the following: (pseudo code) JSR program1 JSR program2 ... RTS Pack the @#%$#er In order to create a small TSR that does all of my 11 TSRs? -G.M.L-K ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 23:39:36 MST From: (Eric Hobbs) Subject: Degas ==> Typesetter Elite? Oh No! It's me again! Whenever I try to load an uncompressed (32066) byte Degas .PI3 picture into Typesetter Elite, it always gets cut in two and each half is printed on the wrong side. Is there a way around this? I hate using the drag function because it is limited and it is a pain in the ash. :-) Help!!!! Thanks! ===============================================================>>>============= "No Dumb Signatures down here!" Eric Hobbs >>>>--------------------------------------------------------------------------> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 22:42:46 EDT From: BAILEYS%FSU.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: Fractal Magic explained Scott Le Grand writes: >Hi, what exactly IS Fractal Magic Well, Fractal Magic is a program that generates color fractal pictures. I have seen it running on a Mac II (I think), and the pictures are magnificent. Fractals are, very roughly, mathmatical models of chaotic behavior. Taking the initial set of one particular kind of fractal, the Mandelbrot set, one would see a symmetrical thingy that looks kind of like three circles. The internal edges of the figure are very colorful, and kind of fuzzy looking. When one selects a small area of this fringe to reevaluate, the resulting picture would be essentially a blowup of the first, but the edges of this picture would be even more colorful and complex. Also, one might find tiny copies of the initial set amongst all this confusion. The basic property of this type of fractal is that one may reevaluate sections of it infinitely many times, and yield infinite variations. That is, the edges of the figure are defined with infinite resolution, but no matter how many times you blow it up, you can still find small copies of the first set. This is probably a very bad description of this phenomena, but for a better one, I would heartily suggest getting the binary called MANDEL from panarthea. It c is the fastest Mandelbrot generator I have ever seen (these types of programs can sometimes take hours to evaluate a section). In addition to the program itself, the author has included a small doc file on the mathmatical formuli he implemented. If you are into assembly, the source code is available from the same place (panarthea). The full address of panarthea is: on the UN*X box I use. Bitnet address may be different. Bob Marley FSU Comp Sci ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 21:27:04 MST From: (Eric Hobbs) Subject: GIF ===> Degas? Yo Netters! I need your help, Does anyone know of a PD/SW program that will convert GIF pictures to Degas? If so, drop me an e-mail line. If there is no program to do this, is there a TOS screen save utility that will do the same thing? Thanks! E r i c H o b b s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 10:41:14 GMT From:!!!!!glk011 Subject: MODULA 2 DOCS... Anyone have any electronic docs on the Modula 2 language or the import from ETH/Muenchen? Thanks in advance... Gregory Mathias Lemperle-Kerr ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 10:40:55 GMT From:!wuarchive!!!!ux1.!!! Subject: Prolog 10, Common LISP Ja, ich verstehe, obwohl es beschissenes Deutsch ist, u. Si, yo comprendo su Espanol. What's wrong with languages? Some people put C instead of Basic or Assembly examples up here... -Spieu! Da, ya toje gavaryu paruski... ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 08:35:44 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!tnoibbc! (Remco Bruyne) Subject: source of diskhandler wanted (e.g. ramdisk) hello, I would like to do some experimenting with diskhandlers on the ST. Does anybody have C-source of a ramdisk or real diskhandler ? (Which he/she wants to send me, of course...) Thanks in advance, Remco ------------------------------ Date: 6 Nov 89 13:35:58 GMT From: attcan!utgpu!watmath!maytag!water! (L.J.Dickey) Subject: SURVEY!!! Europe/UK Replies !!! In article <> (Dan Karbowsky) writes: > .... You MIGHT wish to PRINT THIS OUT before reading it!!! >(after all, it IS 910-lines long!) This is all the more reason NOT to print it. The author of this survey might have provided a service by extracting and collating the information that he said that he was collecting. I think there were only 10 distinct respondents, so 30 lines might have done it. As it is, this posting looks like a dis-service. -- L. J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo. ljdickey@water.BITNET ljdickey@water.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!water!ljdickey ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 89 11:59:21 GMT From: mcsun!sunic!tut!hydra!hylka! (Jouni Alkio, University of Helsinki, Finland) Subject: TT In article <>, (Enartloc Nhoj) writes: > > The TT/x sounds like a great machine. How many netters are going > to bypass the TT/P and wait for the TT/x? Basically, what I am > saying is, can we really get all that excited about the TT/P? > > So it's going to cost more to get better graphics, better RAM, > more slots etc... but, I am not necessarily looking for a "deal". > Again, you _sometimes_ get what you pay for. At this point, I > am willing to PAY for it. I don't really understand why you (and many others) complain about the TT/P. It's just an option for those who can't pay twice the price for the TT/X! You could as well complain that the ST is not as good as the ATW! AND as far as I know, the TT/P has exactly the same graphics capabilities as the TT/X. You can also add as much RAM to the TT/P as to the TT/X (again, I think so). Jouni Alkio ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #615 ***************************************** =========================================================================